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The complete “Moving house’ checklist

By Cameron Smits

“Moving house is one of the most stressful experiences individuals can go through,” Anyone who has moved house knows this slice of wisdom borders on the obvious.

However, it does not have to be so stressful that you want to pull your hair out. The best way to insulate yourself against the unnecessary hassle of moving to a new home is to be prepared.

Below are the best moving house tips for keep stress at bay, which is broken into before, during, and after the home move.

Before the Move


Moving house can take a great deal of time. There is A LOT to do. Some sources suggest you should start preparing for the move 2 months in advance. That might sound a touch extreme, but the more prepared you are, the better. If you want minimal fuss on moving day, start planning as early as possible, especially if you lead a busy life.


We all love our ‘children’ whether have two legs or four but having them around during moving day will not make things go any quicker. They are likely to get in the way and/or distract you from the move. It is also dangerous having little ones underfoot when moving large boxes and furniture.

Ask for help from a friend, family member, or babysitter to take the kids or pets for the day. Most people love playing babysitter for the day and will be happy to keep the kids or pets safely out of the way.


Gas, water, electricity and internet are all things to arrange BEFORE you move. In most cases, the process is quite simple to set up– call up the provider, give them your new address, the connection date and any other information they need.

Internet needs to be organised at least two weeks prior to relocating as providers often are booked weeks in advance. It is also wise to consider if your new home has the existing infrastructure for internet or if you will have to have new connection installed.


Whether you are using a hire truck, trailer or a removalist, book in advance to avoid moving setbacks. These services can be very in-demand and require you to book well in advance. Ask your real estate agent if they can recommend anyone, there are great local services in Swan Hill.

When booking your removalists, do not book for the same day of settlement unless you are moving into an already vacant property.

Settlements can be delayed at the last minute so find out if there is a rebooking fee and how much notice you need to provide.


There are many things you do not need to use in the lead up to moving day – books, excess linens, kitchen appliances, etc., which means you can start packing these things weeks in advance.

To make your job easier later on, do not overload the boxes (surprisingly easy to do) and label them in so you can get to the boxes you need immediately after moving in.


Many people are guilty of hoarding and collecting stuff they really do not need. There is no point in moving transporting unused belongings from one property to another.

Cull it. Sell it. Give it to Good Samaritan’s. Just get rid of it.

This includes your pantry – the week prior to settlement you should shop your pantry before you go food shopping. Use up as many canned goods and open packets.


Designate a bag or box for items you will need on the night of the move (clothes, toiletries, food etc.) and label it.

With everything in boxes and inaccessible piles, this bag will come in handy when you are ready for a fresh change of clothes.

It is also handy to have an unpacking toolkit, composed of tools required to set up your new home and assemble furniture.

During the Move

On the day of the move, there are some important things to consider in order for the move to occur problem-free.


Moving house is a great opportunity to call in a favour and ask friends and family members for help. Even if you have opted to hire a moving truck or trailer, more people helping will make the move go quicker and avoid exhaustion.


Moving is physically really exhausting so take frequent breaks. Take a break every few hours for food and make sure you stay hydrated.


It is important not to rush the move-in process, because that is how accidents occur. Protect your body and avoid injuries by following these handling and lifting techniques.

After the Move


After everything is moved into your new home and you have had a chance to settle in, take a walk around your new neighbourhood and meet the neighbours.

This is a great way to get acquainted with your surroundings and start building connections in your new location.

  1. ENJOY

After all the hard work, it is time to sit back and relax in your new place!

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